Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What time is it? Pizza Time!

So I'm going to talk about my job for a sec.

Let me specify job and not (hopefully) career.
I work at a place , a chain .

I'm not going to say the name of the store for a few reasons.
1. I don't really think it's ever a good idea to throw your workplace name in association with what you do on your personal time.
2. I don't think it even matters since i'm sure all the pizza chains are just varying degrees of sadness anyway .

So during my job , I have to talk to customers frequently. Which is not something I enjoy to begin with since I don't appreciate most people anyway.
During these exchanges with customers I always seem to get the people that are irrationally angry at everyone who works there , even if their order is 10000000% correct and on time they still seem to regard myself and my coworkers with ill hidden disdain.

Why is that?
I cannot fathom why anyone would treat anyone like that off the bat 
but especially someone who is going to turn around and make your damn food.
How does that sound like a good idea in anyone's head?

And then there are the occurrences where I get to talk to customers whose order we have somehow incorrectly made . Which happens , everywhere, it's part of life.

Part of being a big kid is learning to deal with accidents that happen around you in an acceptable manner.

These customers do not understand what acceptable behavior is . It's ridiculous.
Swearing , yelling , threatening  , intimidating , all of these are things not to do if something doesn't your way.

Sorry to say , but in cases like this , the customer is not in fact always right.

And let me end with a little clue , a little beautiful tip , a nice fun fact for you all.
If someone in food messes up your order, and you respond nicely and respectfully, you are going to get twice as much for your trouble than you will throwing a tantrum.

Just be nice , and you'll get what you want.
It's that easy.

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