Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Look Ma, My First Post!

       Wow, what a huge deal. My first post . What should I even write about?
 I could make it humorous (if I were funny).
 I could aim for pensive or thoughtful , but there will be enough of that in the future, I'm sure. 
I guess I'll just ramble on about what I want this to be.
For me , this will be an outlet. Something I need to sort out all of my thoughts and musings and clashing opinions in my never ending storm of thoughts.
It's hard to concentrate and understand what I need or want or what's bothering me if I have so many unrelated thoughts at once.
So , on a personal level I'm hoping for a little peace in my head , and maybe a better understanding of myself.
On the other hand , I'm hoping for growth in my writing .
I want to look back on this in a year and see where I started and see what I've gotten better at and what I could still improve on.
I also sort of strangely hope that I'll help someone.
Even just one lone little reader that stumbles on here and understands or empathizes with what I'm saying or feeling . 
So they in turn feel like they're not the only one that thinks these thoughts or feels these feelings.
That sounds a little conceited to me , like I have these profound epiphanies or something when it's  really more the opposite.

I also don't really have a specific theme in mind right now.
I know there will probably be a good deal of posts tackling my anxiety issues.
There will be opinions I want to share, or things that are irking me I want to get off of my chest.
There will be silly things , there may be a cat picture or two.
I'll probably do a few of those annoying-but-at-the-same-time-fun-list-posts.
I don't know.
I just do hope to update this fairly regularly to give myself something to work on.
So that's it for right this minute I guess.
Happy Reading.

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