Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thoughts I Have Throughout the Day (annoying list number 1)


  • Why is 9:00 am even a thing?
  • How much longer can I sleep in without being completely useless today?
  • Is it really my turn to wash the dishes already?
  • Why are all my thoughts in the form of a question?
  • Are my kittens under the couch again?
  • If they are , can I get off the couch without squishing them?
  • I should really figure out my life today.
  • How do other people know exactly what they want to do with their lives already?
  • Is 20 too young to panic about life?
  • I do not want to go into work today
  • I so do not want to go into work today
  • Please do not make me go into work today
  • I have to get ready for work
  • Mentally calculating how long I can put off putting on my work uniform
  • Seriously, I look like an asshole in this uniform.
  • What would happen I got heat stroke walking to work?
  • Would someone notice me or would scorpions devour my flesh ?
  • I don't think scorpions eat flesh.
  • I should workout today
  • Where can I find a free personal assistant to make grown up phone calls for me?
  • Why is everyone having babies already?
  • I don't want babies.
  • I'll stick with kittens
  • I am now one of those annoying list making people
  • My life is now complete.
  • Seriously though, work , ugh.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Breaking up With a Friend

Breaking up with a friend is harder than breaking up with a lover.
When you're breaking up with a significant other you can always sugar-coat it by saying something like :

"Hey let's still be friends okay?" 

You can't do that to a friend. What are you going to say?

"Hey let's just be mild acquaintances because I'm sick of being there for you when you're never there in return for me so let's just stop this whole charade but I'm scared to cut you out completely so let's just passive aggressively stalk each others facebooks okay?" 

It's also harder to justify breaking ties with someone you've been close with for years.
If they didn't do something as bad as run over your cat or steal your grandmothers watch then you don't really have anything concrete that will make any sense to anyone but you.

To anyone else it'll just be you "being too sensitive" or "making a big deal out of nothing."
But you know what?
If someone is constantly hurting your feelings or making you feel low then you are justified to be hurt or angry or irked or sad.
If someone is only present when they need someone to talk to ,when all of their normal channels have fallen through , and you're their last resort because they know you'll always pick up your phone for them, then that's not a friend.

If you turn around and try to reach out to them when you truly need it, and they can't find the time to take a two minute conversation seriously, that's not a friend.

When this is an ongoing pattern , it's time to let it go.

It's hard to though. 
You're scared you'll miss them.
Or you'll feel bad for bringing attention to it.
The very worst part though, is the fact that you still love and care about this person and you want them in your life , and you're holding on to that hope that they'll change.
Then one day you finally realize , after being blown off again, that they already have changed.
You realize that they're no longer the person you're scared to miss.
That person no longer exists.
And then you realize, and accept, it's time to move on.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What time is it? Pizza Time!

So I'm going to talk about my job for a sec.

Let me specify job and not (hopefully) career.
I work at a place , a chain .

I'm not going to say the name of the store for a few reasons.
1. I don't really think it's ever a good idea to throw your workplace name in association with what you do on your personal time.
2. I don't think it even matters since i'm sure all the pizza chains are just varying degrees of sadness anyway .

So during my job , I have to talk to customers frequently. Which is not something I enjoy to begin with since I don't appreciate most people anyway.
During these exchanges with customers I always seem to get the people that are irrationally angry at everyone who works there , even if their order is 10000000% correct and on time they still seem to regard myself and my coworkers with ill hidden disdain.

Why is that?
I cannot fathom why anyone would treat anyone like that off the bat 
but especially someone who is going to turn around and make your damn food.
How does that sound like a good idea in anyone's head?

And then there are the occurrences where I get to talk to customers whose order we have somehow incorrectly made . Which happens , everywhere, it's part of life.

Part of being a big kid is learning to deal with accidents that happen around you in an acceptable manner.

These customers do not understand what acceptable behavior is . It's ridiculous.
Swearing , yelling , threatening  , intimidating , all of these are things not to do if something doesn't your way.

Sorry to say , but in cases like this , the customer is not in fact always right.

And let me end with a little clue , a little beautiful tip , a nice fun fact for you all.
If someone in food messes up your order, and you respond nicely and respectfully, you are going to get twice as much for your trouble than you will throwing a tantrum.

Just be nice , and you'll get what you want.
It's that easy.

Look Ma, My First Post!

       Wow, what a huge deal. My first post . What should I even write about?
 I could make it humorous (if I were funny).
 I could aim for pensive or thoughtful , but there will be enough of that in the future, I'm sure. 
I guess I'll just ramble on about what I want this to be.
For me , this will be an outlet. Something I need to sort out all of my thoughts and musings and clashing opinions in my never ending storm of thoughts.
It's hard to concentrate and understand what I need or want or what's bothering me if I have so many unrelated thoughts at once.
So , on a personal level I'm hoping for a little peace in my head , and maybe a better understanding of myself.
On the other hand , I'm hoping for growth in my writing .
I want to look back on this in a year and see where I started and see what I've gotten better at and what I could still improve on.
I also sort of strangely hope that I'll help someone.
Even just one lone little reader that stumbles on here and understands or empathizes with what I'm saying or feeling . 
So they in turn feel like they're not the only one that thinks these thoughts or feels these feelings.
That sounds a little conceited to me , like I have these profound epiphanies or something when it's  really more the opposite.

I also don't really have a specific theme in mind right now.
I know there will probably be a good deal of posts tackling my anxiety issues.
There will be opinions I want to share, or things that are irking me I want to get off of my chest.
There will be silly things , there may be a cat picture or two.
I'll probably do a few of those annoying-but-at-the-same-time-fun-list-posts.
I don't know.
I just do hope to update this fairly regularly to give myself something to work on.
So that's it for right this minute I guess.
Happy Reading.